Oferty pracy:

Category Specialist (Buyer)

Katowice / śląskie
Data ważności:
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Praca stała
Cyclad Sp. z o.o.
W Cyclad współpracujemy z najlepszymi międzynarodowymi firmami technologicznymi, aby zwiększyć ich potencjał w dostarczaniu wyjątkowych, nowoczesnych rozwiązań, które kształtują świat przyszłości. Category Specialist (Buyer)PL25/KATOWICE/AA/CATEGORYSPECIALISTObecnie, dla naszego Partnera, który jest wiodącym dostawcą nowoczesnego wyposażenia oraz artykułów z sektora meblowego, poszukujemy kandydata na stanowisko Specjalisty ds. Kategorii Produktu.   Informacje o projekcie: Branża: Retail Rodzaj projektu: Z

Samodzielny Księgowy

Katowice / śląskie
Data ważności:
Typ umowy:
Praca stała
Cyclad Sp. z o.o.
W Cyclad współpracujemy z najlepszymi międzynarodowymi firmami technologicznymi, aby zwiększyć ich potencjał w dostarczaniu wyjątkowych, nowoczesnych rozwiązań, które kształtują świat przyszłości. Samodzielny KsięgowyPL25/KATOWICE/AA/SAMODZIELNYKSIEGOWYObecnie, dla naszego Partnera, który jest wiodącym dostawcą nowoczesnego wyposażenia oraz artykułów z sektora meblowego, poszukujemy kandydata na stanowisko Samodzielnego Księgowego.   Informacje o projekcie: Branża: Retail Rodzaj projektu: Księgowość Lokali

Senior Salesforce Developer

Poznań / wielkopolskie
Data ważności:
Typ umowy:
Praca stała
Cyclad Sp. z o.o.
In Cyclad we work with top international IT companies in order to boost their potential in delivering outstanding, cutting-edge technologies that shape the world of the future. We are currently looking for a highly skilled Salesforce Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate is well-versed in Salesforce best practices and frameworks and has hands-on expertise in designing and implementing scalable solutions.Senior Salesforce DeveloperPL25/IC/SALESFORCE/REMOTEProject information: Industry: Consulting

Senior Salesforce Developer

Olsztyn / warmińsko-mazurskie
Data ważności:
Typ umowy:
Praca stała
Cyclad Sp. z o.o.
In Cyclad we work with top international IT companies in order to boost their potential in delivering outstanding, cutting-edge technologies that shape the world of the future. We are currently looking for a highly skilled Salesforce Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate is well-versed in Salesforce best practices and frameworks and has hands-on expertise in designing and implementing scalable solutions.Senior Salesforce DeveloperPL25/IC/SALESFORCE/REMOTEProject information: Industry: Consulting

Senior Salesforce Developer

Szczecin / zachodnio-pomorskie
Data ważności:
Typ umowy:
Praca stała
Cyclad Sp. z o.o.
In Cyclad we work with top international IT companies in order to boost their potential in delivering outstanding, cutting-edge technologies that shape the world of the future. We are currently looking for a highly skilled Salesforce Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate is well-versed in Salesforce best practices and frameworks and has hands-on expertise in designing and implementing scalable solutions.Senior Salesforce DeveloperPL25/IC/SALESFORCE/REMOTEProject information: Industry: Consulting

Senior Salesforce Developer

Gdańsk / pomorskie
Data ważności:
Typ umowy:
Praca stała
Cyclad Sp. z o.o.
In Cyclad we work with top international IT companies in order to boost their potential in delivering outstanding, cutting-edge technologies that shape the world of the future. We are currently looking for a highly skilled Salesforce Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate is well-versed in Salesforce best practices and frameworks and has hands-on expertise in designing and implementing scalable solutions.Senior Salesforce DeveloperPL25/IC/SALESFORCE/REMOTEProject information: Industry: Consulting

Senior Salesforce Developer

Kielce / świętokrzyskie
Data ważności:
Typ umowy:
Praca stała
Cyclad Sp. z o.o.
In Cyclad we work with top international IT companies in order to boost their potential in delivering outstanding, cutting-edge technologies that shape the world of the future. We are currently looking for a highly skilled Salesforce Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate is well-versed in Salesforce best practices and frameworks and has hands-on expertise in designing and implementing scalable solutions.Senior Salesforce DeveloperPL25/IC/SALESFORCE/REMOTEProject information: Industry: Consulting

Senior Salesforce Developer

Katowice / śląskie
Data ważności:
Typ umowy:
Praca stała
Cyclad Sp. z o.o.
In Cyclad we work with top international IT companies in order to boost their potential in delivering outstanding, cutting-edge technologies that shape the world of the future. We are currently looking for a highly skilled Salesforce Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate is well-versed in Salesforce best practices and frameworks and has hands-on expertise in designing and implementing scalable solutions.Senior Salesforce DeveloperPL25/IC/SALESFORCE/REMOTEProject information: Industry: Consulting

Senior Salesforce Developer

Rzeszów / podkarpackie
Data ważności:
Typ umowy:
Praca stała
Cyclad Sp. z o.o.
In Cyclad we work with top international IT companies in order to boost their potential in delivering outstanding, cutting-edge technologies that shape the world of the future. We are currently looking for a highly skilled Salesforce Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate is well-versed in Salesforce best practices and frameworks and has hands-on expertise in designing and implementing scalable solutions.Senior Salesforce DeveloperPL25/IC/SALESFORCE/REMOTEProject information: Industry: Consulting

Senior Salesforce Developer

Białystok / podlaskie
Data ważności:
Typ umowy:
Praca stała
Cyclad Sp. z o.o.
In Cyclad we work with top international IT companies in order to boost their potential in delivering outstanding, cutting-edge technologies that shape the world of the future. We are currently looking for a highly skilled Salesforce Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate is well-versed in Salesforce best practices and frameworks and has hands-on expertise in designing and implementing scalable solutions.Senior Salesforce DeveloperPL25/IC/SALESFORCE/REMOTEProject information: Industry: Consulting
Strona: 1 2 3 4 5 Następna

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